Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More of Isabella's Story...

When Dr. Becker called with her MRI results, it felt like my world crashed down. The results confirmed what she had suspected, Holoprosencephaly, (Alobar or Severe Semi-Lobar). I had no clue what that was, and she was pushing for me to terminate since I was coming up on the 24 week cut off. I told her termination was not something I could do and I would carry her to full term with all the care that was available. She then proceeded to tell me there would be no extra monitoring, no fetal monitor during labor and no resuscitation if Isabella were to need it. Hearing this tore me apart. This was not what I wanted to hear from my doctor. I wanted everything possible for Isabella done.
I was not going to stand for her dictating that I was to let my daughter die without any help from doctors. This was a guilt I was not going to live with.
When I called her back, I 'layed down the law', and explained exactly what was going to happen with my Isabella Jeannette.
I also made an appointment with a neonatologist at the Children's Hospital in Denver.
My last appointment, November 30th with Dr. Becker was a complete 180. Her attitude was completely different, more supportive. This put me more at ease.
When I met with the neonatologist, he made me feel completely relaxed and confident. He said there was no reason she wouldn't be going home with us a week after I had her, and that he wasn't even going to take the fetal mri into account, since it was like 'looking through frosted glass'. He had my birth plan, and had no reservations about any of it.

I really needed to feel like the doctors were behind me and now I think they are.

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